Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Luna attended most of the public hearings held by the Joint Finance-Appropriations Committee today.
Hundreds of Idahoans turned out to voice their opinion on the state’s budget. The vast majority testified about Medicaid and Health and Welfare. Four people testified about public education.
In the remarks about education, the testimony varied. Penni Cyr, the President of the Idaho Education Association, said she was glad Superintendent Luna’s budget proposal offsets any reduction in salary-based apportionment for teachers and administrators next year. She would like to see these offsets continue in future fiscal years.
Briana LeClaire of the Idaho Freedom Foundation asked the Legislature to expand choice in Idaho’s education system.
“Thank you to everyone who came out to testify and voice their opinion today,” Superintendent Luna said. "This is an important part of the republic we live in where everyone has not just the privilege but the right to be heard.”